I just got back from cinema. Finally watched Harry Potter with my family. I have to say, it was not that bad, really, compared to The Order of Phoenix. Half-Blood Prince was slow moving, less action, more talking, a little bit of convincing jokes. Mom fell asleep. So did daddy which is not surprising because he always did in his previous movie night out with us. In the movie I admired the effects and the part where the creepy skinny Gollum-like creature popped out from the lake. Dude, my heart stopped. By the way, the part where Dumbledore was killed was supposed to be more intriguing. Harry was actually stunned by some kind of a spell which made him completely numb he couldn't move. He was made to watch Dumbledore died he couldn't do anything and Snape was a lot meaner and the situation was more dramatic. I don't remember in the book Snape had some guilt in his very face. And where the hell is Dumbledore's funeral?! The ending by the way, was too harmonious. It was supposed to be more chaotic but oh well...
I give the movie 3 out of 5. It was a fair movie, and much more understandable if you read the book which I did. The book was awesome of course, but have you ever heard the saying save the best for last? The final instalment of Harry Potter-The Deathly Hallows is one of the best book I have ever laid my eye into. What? Twilight? Yes, Twilight series are great too. Already read all of them and I liked it a lot. Vampires are awesome, yes. But when you are talking about a piece of fine writing, much packed with amazing fantasies, brilliant plots and ideas, you wonder what kind of mind does the writer have. In this case, J.K Rowling really blew my mind. In the next ten years or so, I'm pretty sure many generations will consider Harry Potter as a piece of classic along with books like The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of The Rings.
Folks, read the book, all of them!
The movie, just a bonus for your entertainment. Can't wait till the two-part final movie comes out.
K bye.