Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sakit kan bile sakit?

Betol, betol. Tak tipu weh. I got this crhonic skin disease(as my consultant said so) so i have to stay at home for treatment and hopefully manage to achive full recovery. I have to stay away from sunlight ala2 Edward Cullen. Tapi tu Edward Cullen. Nape aku tengok cite vampire lain vampire2 tu sume mati tebakar bile kene sunlight? Ha? Ha? Hebat sangat ke Edward Cullen tu? Anyways back to the story i have to actually stay away from the panas terik matahari kalo x...aku pon x tau. Kulit tebakar kot. Apparently i have this skin disease since i was a little kid. As i grew older it became worst. So now i am(i have to be) an extremely patient, optimistic, strong, independent woman just to stay alive.cewah...just to fight this disease and survive. i know i can! yes you can! bob the builder....can we fix it?! bob the builder...yes we can! it's a 24/7 treatment, kinda, and i can skip uitm for about two weeks.hahaha. Btw, korang2 kat Melaka 2 hati2 dgn H1N1 ye. tata;)

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