Friday, February 11, 2011

Panic! coz they're back!

Look who's back? Panic! at the Disco is!

and Brandon Urie and Spencer Smith are looking good as always with their new single The Ballad of Mona Lisa from their up-coming third album; Vices & Virtues. Though I adore their previous albums; A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd, I can't wait for their third album knowing they're now a two-piece band from the previous four. Kind of remind me of paramore's five to three. You know what they say, people come and go...and never came back lol.

Here's the official video clip for The Ballad Of Mona Lisa:

You like it?


  1. They're Voldemort's most wanted men. He tried to kill them a few times but they got away with it every time. Then Voldemort got fed up and tries to kill Harry Potter instead.

  2. Panic! at the first I thought they were 'Mat Clubbing'. They sure have a fancy name.

  3. lol mat clubbing much? they're one of the coolest band out there. be sure to check them out..:)
