Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rowling in the deep

You know what is great? Next week is! I got a new job and I will start next week. It will help me fill up some time and also make more money for myself. Also, Arsenal vs Malaysia! How exciting! Of course, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2! I remembered when I was eleven I watched its first ever installment; Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. Now, almost ten years after that I am about to watch the epic conclusion. I am pretty sure that it will be bitter sweet. Even though I only started to read the book after watching the second or third movie, I must say I never regret that decision of reading the book written by the genius J.K Rowling. Every Harry Potter fan must really look up to her as much as I do for giving us such a magical experience.

The one and only, J.K Rowling

I may not be much of a reader myself, but I did read some decent books, some Nicholas Sparks' books, Cecilia Ahern's, Tony Parson's, etc (mostly what my sister bought for her reading pleasure), I also read Twilight and Narnia! My attempt to read Lord of The Rings failed miserably though. With all that, Harry Potter will always be on the top of my list for many reasons. Say, we all know that magic is not real but somehow Rowling managed to make it seems so real, and the value of love and friendship, the characters and their development, good versus evil, and most importantly how in the end love conquers all. Rowling are not scared to kill off important characters because it is part of the story development, and how it will effect the emotion of readers who are attached to the characters...that is the beauty of it. An avid Harry Potter fan myself, I love both the book and the movie, I grew up with them and Harry Potter will always be a part of me. After all, I have stuck with Harry until the very end.

July 14th 2011, bring it on! 

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